Russell’s Bicycle Shed

Making Active Travel Easier

Little And Often

Russell CuttsComment

Bicycle maintenance is best done little and often. You may have bought a bike and started using it to save money, this doesn't mean it won’t cost you anything to run, it’s just a lot cheaper than a car or bus.

We’ve always espoused the principle of doing little and often to keep your bicycle in good working order, it's a way to manage the overall costs of running a bike and it will generally mean that as parts wear out they can be replaced without them breaking and potentially putting your bicycle out of action for a period or even worse; causing more damage.

When you bring your bike to our shop whether it be for a simple brake pad replacement or a full service, we carry out a quick visual inspection of the bike along with a few simple checks just to make sure the bike is safe and in reasonable working order. These checks mean we can advise you if we spot anything that may be starting to wear out, or is not working properly.

Bringing your bike in to us more frequently than once a year means we can catch things and identify problems sooner. It will also save you time in the long run and keep your bicycle running smoothly. With your brakes and gears adjusted and tuned, chain cleaned and oiled and tyres inflated to the correct pressures our Tune-Up Service is something you should consider having done regularly, it can be done quickly and if you ride your bike daily will ensure it’s safe and easy to ride.

You don’t have to wait for the ‘Dr Bike’ session to happen we are here in our workshop ready to help and we want to keep you riding so, at only £20, our Tune-Up Service is excellent value for money.

If you are using your bicycle more often and have discovered the joy of riding a bicycle for transport then you may wish to consider signing up to Russell's Bicycle Club, at only £12 per month it’s great value for making sure your bicycle is always running efficiently.