When we opened the City Centre Cycle Hub we noticed a strange thing happening and eagle eyed pedestrians walking passed the shop probably have seen this too: lots of dead birds on the pavement, not just dead but decapitated, barely recognisable apart from the wings and occasional head.
Now it could be considered a bit gory but we were intrigued to know what was happening so we started watching the building and amazingly one day we spot something perched on top of the Vita Student sign. Looking closer through a friend’s telescope we see a peregrine, like the ones that live in the bell tower of St George’s Church on Mappin Street.
This bird and it’s partner appear to be catching other birds bringing them to the sign to feast and then discarding the remains to the pavement below. It’s amazing to think this is happening right in the city centre of Sheffield and most of us wouldn’t know.
The Natural World is amazing and when given the opportunity to adapt it will.
If you visit the hub look out for the feathers a sure sign of a feast for the peregrine earlier.